HSN Plugfest

A note from the chair Alliance Leaders Anniversary Blog ECOC EPIC Ethernet Events IEEE Liaison Plugfest PoE PoE Certification Roadmap Single Pair Ethernet Technology TEF Tradeshow Voices of Ethernet Webinar Whitepaper

The Ethernet Alliance will be hosting its next Higher Speed Networking Plugfest the week of October 14th, at UNH-IOL in Durham, New Hampshire. Industry-wide development in higher speed Ethernet is on the rise, and our plugfest events are designed to foster the best end user experience possible by enabling multi-vendor interoperability of our members’ Ethernet products.

The purpose of the plugfest is to advance the state of 25/50/100/200/400 Gb/s Ethernet.  Participation is open to members of the Ethernet Alliance only. If you are interested in participating, please email morgan@ethernetalliance.org for an NDA.

