2022 High-Speed Networking (HSN) Plugfest

A note from the chair Alliance Leaders Anniversary Blog EPIC Ethernet Events IEEE Liaison Plugfest PoE PoE Certification Roadmap Single Pair Ethernet Technology TEF Tradeshow Voices of Ethernet Webinar Whitepaper

The Ethernet Alliance hosted a HSN Plugfest event at UNH InterOperability Lab (UNH-IOL) the week of April 25th.

The purpose of the Higher Speed Networking plugfest is to improve the interoperability of the Ethernet ecosystem using Ethernet technology using 100 Gbps/lane electrical PHYs and interfaces and 50 Gbps/lane Ethernet PHYs and interfaces. The matrix of testing included some PHYs, NICs, switches, test equipment, optical and copper media types.

The HSN Plugfest is offered exclusively for Ethernet Alliance members and provides a neutral and secure testing environment for verifying interoperability prior to deployment of the latest technologies.

Refer to our blog for key highlights from this April event. If you are interested in participating in the next plugfest in October 2022, please contact morgan@ethernetalliance.org.
