PoE Certification Event

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The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab (UNH-IOL) is hosting a PoE Test Event during the week of June 25-29, 2018. Testing results from this event can be used to apply for the Ethernet Alliance (EA) PoE Certification Program. This event is open to all companies who wish to participate.

The test plan for this event will follow the Ethernet Alliance​ PoE Certification test plan for Type 1 and Type 2 PDs and PSEs. Passing products will be eligible for listing on the Ethernet Alliance Certified Product Registry. In order to be listed companies must apply to the Program through the Ethernet Alliance and agree to the Ethernet Alliance​ PoE Certification Program CMLA. This event is not a traditional plugfest and therefore there is no need to attend; simply ship your device(s).  The registration deadline to participate in this event is June 15th.

If you have any questions regarding this test event please contact Craig Chabot at craig.chabot@iol.unh.edu or +1-603-862-2911

Registration Information:

The registration deadline to participate in this event is June 20th. Please complete this online registration form.

Pay per test fees are $5,000 / PSE and $3,000 / PD. Current UNH-IOL members in the PoE Testing Service are able to use their member benefits to test up to 3 devices at no cost, additional devices will be charged the pay per test fee.

For this event, additional cost savings are being offered:

  • Companies joining the program can obtain a $2,500 discount off the Certification Mark License Agreement (CMLA)
  • Companies can pay 1 application fee to cover up to 3 products
    • Ethernet Alliance Members – $1,000
    • Non-Members – $2,500