SPE 10BASE-T1L Plugfest

Underwriters Laboratories
A note from the chair Alliance Leaders Anniversary Blog ECOC EPIC Ethernet Events IEEE Liaison Plugfest PoE PoE Certification Roadmap Single Pair Ethernet Technology TEF Tradeshow Voices of Ethernet Webinar Whitepaper

Ethernet Alliance, the #voiceofethernet, cordially invites you to attend the SPE Plugfest being held at UL in Research Triangle Park, NC on March 26-27, 2024.

When: March 26-27,2024

Where: Underwriters Laboratories

This SPE Plug Fest is open to all, including Ethernet Alliance members and non-member companies. If you are interested in attending, please contact admin@ethernetalliance.org.

SPE Plugfest Form


For more information on this event, please review the Call For Interest Presentation

