Ethernet on the Road

By John D'Ambrosia



Congratulations to the group of individuals, who were successful at the IEEE 802 March Plenary at getting the IEEE 802.3 Reduced Twisted Pair Gigabit Ethernet PHY Study Group formed.  This effort seeks to define a new Gigabit Ethernet standard for automotive networks that would operate on fewer than the 4 pairs of UTP cabling currently defined.  This new standard would enable a paradigm shift to a centralized Ethernet-based backbone architecture for automobiles, which will help enable new high bandwidth applications, such as on-board camera systems, sensors, and infotainment.  Come 2019 – and this new standard could be the basis for anywhere from 200 million to 350 million ports per year.  Further port deployment could be enabled by applications targeting industrial and avionics networking. To view Steve Carlson discuss the  new activity in IEEE 802.3 taking Ethernet into the realm of automobiles, click here!

So what happens to the Ethernet Ecosystem with this new port type?  Will this have an impact on the ever exponential growing bandwidth demand?  What services will be offered?  Are automobiles the next “cubicle” that will need to be worried about in developing enterprise networks?  All reasonable questions , and all possible development efforts that could drive another surge in industry activity.

From its inception the Ethernet Alliance has always espoused a philosophy that Ethernet goes from carriers to consumers.  Its very charter is to support the market expansion and continuing development of IEEE 802 Ethernet standards.  This latest effort represents another step in Ethernet’s continuing saga, and the Ethernet Alliance stands ready to support Ethernet, its members, and the industry.

John D’Ambrosia
Chair, Ethernet Alliance Board of Directors


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