Big Shoes to Fill
As I step into my new role as Chair of the Ethernet Alliance, I am both excited by what is ahead for the organization and in awe of the hole I will be trying to fill. It is not often you get asked be the follow up act to a major industry figure.
With John D’Ambrosia’s departure from the Ethernet Alliance, we are losing such a strong advocate from the organization. It goes without saying that John has had an immense impact on the Ethernet Alliance organization, but I will try to attempt to capture some of it.
As one of Ethernet Alliance’s original founders and as Chair since 2011, it is hard to separate any of the Ethernet Alliance’s accomplishments from John’s accomplishments. The Ethernet Alliance has become recognized as the voice of Ethernet in our industry and this has to be credited down to John’s tireless and persistent effort. John describes himself as “The Ethernet Evangelist!” and I can state from personal experience that he lives up to this name. John’s vision has produced many impactful Ethernet Alliance activities including the very successful TEF (Technology Exploration Forum) conferences, the very successful Ethernet Alliance’s Ethernet Roadmaps, many numerous plugfest and tradeshow interops allowing members to showcase their capabilities and more recently the POE certification program which is off to a great start.
If the topic is Ethernet, John has gone everywhere to talk to everyone. He has been a mentor to me as I’ve been working my way into the Ethernet community over the last 5 years. Luckily John remains active in all things Ethernet through his many roles within IEEE.
John has put down the mantle of Ethernet Alliance Chair, and I feel very honored to be the one chosen to pick it up and take the lead in telling the Ethernet story for the Alliance. I look forward to working with the membership of the Ethernet Alliance as we move forward into 2020. I can only hope to do it as well as he did.
Peter Jones
Chair, Ethernet Alliance